I am not as brave as you
It is so so quiet here
where the fire rest.
Picture: Lissy Elle
Ghosts Before Breakfast - Poésie automatique-
Colles les mots, sur rien, comme un tableau noir, fait de la nuit, l'école du vide, ne change pas d'avis, les doigts Hans! désarticule le son de la mécanique des corps, brûle, brûle,brûle je ne ressens rien de tout façon,la maison aux couteaux ,tu parles en cercle, tu as le goût de toutes ces filles, les bottes en cuir chevauchent des corps inertes, ta voix lointaine; je ne comprend pas les mots du vent, la main enlève les cheveux, eux faux, couleur du soleil déserté, gestuelle cataclysmique, les planètes;une rotation inversées,et pourtant: je me tiens là, sans conséquence, sans substance, rien, le désert est notre fils qui vomit dans le Styx, trop de vin, noir,je te cherche,silence et symbole vert et puis rien,doigt suspendu, sur une bouche déjà close, rien, juste toi.
Painting: Nicola Samori
Glue the words, on nothingness,like a black board, made off night, the scolar void,,don't change your mind, the Hans fingers! dislocate the sound of bodies mechanics,burn, burn, burn, I don't feel anything anyway,the knife house, you talk in circle,you taste like all those girls, the leather boots astride inert bodies,your voice: far; I don't comprehend the wind's words, the hand remove the hair, fake, color of the deserted sun, cataclysmal body language, the planets; a inverted rotation, but still; I am standing here, without consequence, without substance, nothing, the desert is our son throwing up on the Styx,too much wine, black, am looking for you, silence, green symbol and then nothing, hanging finger, on a already closed mouth, nothing, just you.
Painting: Nicola Samori
La main: serrée
une mer rouge: nous faisons ce que nous voulons
les morts courent vite
les couteaux sont lourds
je coiffe tes cheveux
Je suis Ta femme écarlate
Le coeur: plat principal
le lit défait; des tâches
Je suis ta femme tâche
blanche, rouge, une allumette
brule le souvenirs et les bleus
une nouvelle peau: la nuit est morne
les rêves isolés
Je suis Ta femme écarlate
loin loin loin
elles ont toutes le même visage
leurs cheveux m'étranglent
leur rires; vomissures d'un ciel écarlate
je suis le pendu des mots
La bouche; cathartique les rues se referment
je me perds; chaire incandescente
Je suis Ta femme écarlate
Aucuns souvenirs; l'oeil se fane
tu marches avec nous
je ne te veux plus et je t'aime
la maison molle
les garçons sauvages; un morceau
morcellement d'essence
Je suis la Femme feu
ils m'ont brûlée pour moins que ça
The hand: tight
a red sea: we do what we want
the dead runs fast
knives are heavy
I comb your hair
I am your scarlet Wife
Heart: main-course
the undone bed: stains
I am your scarlet Wife
white, red, a match
burning the reminders and bruises
a new skin: the night is dismal
isolated dreams
I am your scarlet Wife
far far far
they all have the same faces
their hair strangling me
their laughter: spew out scarlet sky
I am the words hanged man
The mouth: cathartic the streets closes up
I am loosing myself: incandescent flesh
I am your scarlet Wife
No memories: the eye wither
you walk with us
I don't want you anymore and I love you
the soft house
the wild boys: a piece
parceling essence
I am the Fire Wife
they burned me for less than this
Picture: Lissy Elle
Who ruined their mother's, Girls
Collected amnesia with dry space, Girls
Each other, Girls
Ruined the womb, throw me a hundred
love, Girls
Ruined their mother's wombs, Girls
Matter discarded, Girls
Each other, Girls
Adiour Horses,
Dna pilgrimage, scattered lungs, Girls
Quiet! Girls
Who ruined her mother's womb, Girl.
For Karl Holmqvist
Picture: Lissy Laricchia
It is not just the scars,
it is the landscapes; dry
It is not just the tears
it is a room; empty
It is not just the numbness
it is a search
I crossed unknown roofs
Measured the lights
Hoping for the Greatness
of uncanny heights
It is not just the blue and the red
it was a urge to fed
It is not just a slap
it is a world divided, apart
It is not about me and you
it is about stealing fire
when the house burn down
I wandered through flammes
stray in the air
for a scattered jaw
of words unknown
It is not just the love
it is a hand over the night
It is not about the blood
it is about pagan laugh
I crossed unknow bodies
Measure darkness
in a sardonic smile:
I was gone
Picture: Lissy Laricchia
I wolf, cold wind,
fur made of beatings, the night
has slits my throat,
you stand still, within death reach
and only a thin blade set me apart from you
but i let you go, as i always do.
Je suis loup,vent froid
pelage fait de battements, la nuit
a tranché ma gorge,
tu restes là, à portée de mort
et seule une fine lame me sépare de toi
mais je te laisse partir,comme toujours.
Picture Lissy Laricchia
Turn your heart
Hide the sea
Passed the city's lights
we'll never be
On the sun
Off the sun
We can't decide
Where to meet
And I faint
Wash me spin
Across the borderline
Passed the city's lights
We never meet
On the sun
Off the sun
Set the fire
We can't decide
And I faint
Beneath the skin
Washed away
Across the sky
White struck white
Passed the city's light
Swollen heart
We can't decide
On the sun
Off the sun
And I faint
Picture: Carles Rodrigo
Il a le poing serré et un air de suffisance sponsorisé par Nike.
Le Tennisman.
Il vit avec sa mère.
Elle lui coûte cher.
Chaque mois elle fait de la chirurgie esthétique pour ressembler aux nouvelles copines de son fils.
Dans sa chambre il a un couvre- lit vert.
Le vert est très à la mode en Australie.
Les valeurs familiales aussi.
C' est pour cela que le tennisman ne voit pas pourquoi il devrait vivre sans sa mère.
La seule chose qu'il lui reproche ce sont ses ongles qu'il trouve trop longs à son goût.
Ils sont faux bien entendu.
Mais malgré sa photo dans la presse internationale (celle ou il a un air de suffisance)
Il est triste aujourdhui.
C' est un secret que personne ne connaît.
He have a clenched fist and an air of complacency sponsored by Nike.
The tennis player.
He lives with his mother.
She costs him a lot.
Every month she have plastic surgery only so she could look like her son's girlfriends.
In his room he has a green bedspread.
The color green is very hype in Australia.
And so are family values.
That's why the tennis player doesn't see why he should live without his mother.
The only thing he complains about it's her nails that he founds to be too long for his taste.
They are fake of course.
But despite his picture in the international papers ( the one where he has an air of complacency)
He is sad today.
That's a secret that no one knows.
Written probably in 2005.
Picture: Dash Snow
In a world of thousands feelings
Faking in electrics lightnings
We see what we can
And can
only see one inches from
a door who's been slammed
while the blanket still warm
and body arm like hell
In a world where i can't tell
why the fuck we can't
I guess i like spinning alone
with a packed mind filled with
people long gone
wrestling in the words dust
I do feel the slow beating
Of you leaving me
In a world of thousands feelings
I better lay in bed and feel like
am the smoke in the room
No one 's armed you said
and i can't look at you through
the smell of inflammable thoughts
They used to burn us for less
than that.
Picture: Todd Hido