Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Covering Mouth

Covering my mouth

I didn't knew that

these words

were ones i coudn't trust

When did your hair

became the water who

carried the sleeper's dream?

Flowers in the comb

you paint the river's of

that girl's viper tongue

We used to have

wind in our beds

Storm in our hearts

Now you trust the old glass of lust

she's drinking at her window

Opening your eyes when

there is nothing left to see

Closing your mouth

keeping the river in

Am erasing you from the skin

our past had once belong to

When did you become that broken mirror?

Multiples of you like your whore

Snakes of the unnamed tree

Fruits weren't born yet

Just you and what you never felt

was cut off the velvet red

Your words are poison

As your voice have no reason

To be left in

the world i stand and live

Wish i had never met

this new you, this water her

Your voices are distorted

out from the beauty i've remembered

There is nothing left to say

Just get back to where you belong

In the burnings of

Covered mouth

Painting: Caravaggio

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A View

The taste...

The taste will not disappear.

The taste is clean despite my aching body, am dressed up of you.

Tentacular sheets; am looking at the mountain.

Mankind always do the same and i'm becoming unreachable naked branches.

The lover in the hair, the lover in a place at the left of the chest, the forefinger points out.

Sleep, sleep, sleep

We will end up as a deforest wood anyway...


Tension eyes, contortion eylashes,cathartic mouth; come closer to me...

You are dancing subcutaneous, and my roots are penetrating the mountain now.

You should see today's light under your closed eyes.

Lodge yourself in the foliage whisper, listening to the noise of the past,

we are already depict in black and white.

All your movements are wet and am dripping above you when the wind raises up.